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Christmas Art Competition - 2005, Page 2

Please see the rules on the main page:

Christmas Art Competition

Winners: Christmas 2005

<news:Winners of the Christmas Art Competition!>

By [Forever Equine]
By [Zardra]

All submissions:
Christmas Art 05, Page 1
Christmas Art 05, Page 2


Thank you to all that contributed!


Reminder 1: Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag.
Reminder 2: There is a theme. It is "What kinds of presents would fantasy races give to each other?"
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.


This contest is closed!


30. [Leara] "What an Elf and Vampire Give Each Other for Christmas" Forgot to add the words, Elf being freaked out at recieving fresh blood, vampy being freaked and pissed that he got sunblock...going into sunlight would kill him. :P

31. [Lakayana] "Jack the bald orc gave to his darling fli the Fairie a golden wand from his old treasure box. I belive there is no nice present to be given to a fairie from an orc than a golden wand.


32. [MidSuMMer.Nights] "something's hiding in the christmas tree" instead of giving a nice present, a goblin has hidden a spidery demon thing in a vampire's christmas tree...


33. [ArkyLarky] "Thorn Wings Christmas' What would a demon get a bunch of angels for Christmas....I dont know, wait till Christmas morning to find out! XD
*colored pencil, pen, and quite a few hours. X.x

34. [Dark Side of the Moon] "The Christmas Tree" This might need a little explaining: This is a hovering tree, able to move itself wherever it wishes. When the cold comes, it covers the entire world. It is now deep autumn and the tree has lost all of its leaves. A couple of fairy fish came up from the lake over which the tree hovers to give the gift of beauty to the tree again by decorating it with Christmas lights and glass ornaments. This is done in "free-form" watercolouring (meaning nothing was drawn out first, but was simply laid on as I painted). There is a bit of acryllic highlighting on the tree. The fish, tree branches/roots, and lights were painted with a very fine eyeliner brush.


35. [Cathos] "Christmas in the TARDIS" What will you give your robot dog this Christmas? The Doctor, being a rather eccentric alien, has a tendency to get the wrong idea about presents sometimes. As ever, Doctor Who, K9 and the TARDIS are both copyrighted to and trademarks of the BBC.


36.[bluefarie]"The Gift of Friendship!" The young orc is showing the human that he can be just as friendly and loving as she can. Because there is no greater gift than friendship.

37. [Zardra] "my gift is a kiss, because you allready posses everything else I am"... my characters, celebrating christmas.

38. [evilhamster] "I giveth you light and protection, you giveth me meat! D:<" ahahahah... >>;

39. [shotokan_gal]
"Don't forget your pets at Christmas!"
As you might treat your dog or cat for the festive season, a fantasy family also remember their household pets at Christmas.

40. [TheArchitect]
"Who said Santa has to be old, fat and heavily bearded?" No wonder millions wait for him every year! You can guess three times what he gives to beings from different races all over the world...PRESENTS OF COURSE!! what did you think? ;P

41. [Charybdis] Ack! X_x
O_O "Umm, here, take this... Eh heh heh..."

42. [moira hawthorne] 'Coffee?' "By the Stars Aodh! How long have you been waiting out here?" Kael, the human greets Aodh, the faery with a hot cup of coffee top with whipping cream.
Aodh © me Kael © [Fizban] our RP charys are best friends in a very danderous RP... we just love torturing these two. The inside joke here is Aodh is a fire elemental. He has a tentence to burn alot in the RP.. so here I decided to freeze him instead.

43. [spiritee] "Magnificent" The best gift given the the smallest pair of flan faeries by their Elven friend, the Tree of Glowing Flan. 


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- Christmas Art Competition
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2005-12-13 [Jitter]: *giggles* I love it [Leara]! Sunblock could work for the vampi heeheehee

2005-12-13 [Leara]: The thing is in order for it to work, you need to go out into the sunlight...that would kill him. XD

2005-12-13 [Jitter]: Heheh Well I was thinking of original Dracula :p

2005-12-13 [Leara]: The original can walk in sunlight? >.>

2005-12-13 [Jitter]: From what I remember yeah but I think only in a hat and that long coats.. What the heck is the name, I'm stuck. Those detectives wear all the time! I'll check and tell you! (I'm sure he could in the movie but I'll doublecheck the book)

2005-12-13 [Elisha Kelly]: trench coat

2005-12-13 [Lakayana]: How lucky is fli to recieve a goldn wand as a christmas gift *smiles*

2005-12-14 [ArkyLarky]: I got mine up. X3 Hope it fits the rules...

2005-12-14 [shotokan_gal]: Remember to number your entries and put your name ;)

2005-12-14 [moira hawthorne]: and get it a name

2005-12-14 [Dark Side of the Moon]: I see that a lot of these are pics are thumbnails containing a link when you click onto them. I'm new to this, if anyone can direct me to the place where I can learn to make thumbnail links, I will certainly correct this. Also, this image was pulled from the Elfwood extranet because it isn't published on Elfwood yet. Would the thumbnail link work for that also? Any help is appreciated!

2005-12-14 [Charybdis]: Yes, it will work fine :) Try this place: pseudo HTML.

2005-12-14 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Thanks [Charybdis]!! :^)

2005-12-14 [Charybdis]: No problem ^^

2005-12-14 [Urmando The Elfling]: Eeh... [Lakayana], you are talking about the golden magic wand..... Have you been looking at my Entry as well...???

2005-12-14 [moira hawthorne]: wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Dr Who art! love it

2005-12-14 [MidSuMMer.Nights]: he he he .. sunblock is a good gift for a vampire... really creative [Leara]

2005-12-14 [Cathos]: moira> if ever you find Who fanart in a Mainstreet comp, I'm generally the culprit. :)

2005-12-14 [moira hawthorne]: hehehe I agree for both.. Leara's is awesome good... and Dr Who.. expeacially 'hooknose and scarf!' as I named him is total love! I dont draw him.. but I knitted my self a scraf like that in highschool and wore a hat like that those mine was pink... and my coat was long.. but green.. yes and I known your eyes are bleedy now at that mental image... sorry

2005-12-14 [Cathos]: I have the scarf too. It took months! My poor hands. Tom is one of my favourites too. Known to the other incarnations as "teeth and curls". Romana had a pink version of his costume, so your hat would fit for her...

2005-12-14 [moira hawthorne]: My girl friend Robin was Romana... we were quite a sight togther!

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